Lulu and don Chuy are the guardians of one of the shelters during the Golden time.

El Club 15 se encuentra en la avenida Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, su nombre se debe a su singular construcción, ya qué dentro de el hay una barra donde solamente 15 personas pueden ser alojadas, la cual es atendida de 11am a 12 am.

Club 15 is located in Juarez Avenue, Ciudad Juarez. Its peculiar name is given because of its particular construction: there is a counter for only 15 people, it opens from 11am to 12mn. Behind that counter you can find Lulu and don Chuy.

Lulu was the first woman who worked in this salon that was founded in the 50´s decade. Club 15 is considered a cult place in Ciudad Juarez, all of its walls and ceiling are covered with PlayBoy magazines that can make anyone fantasize from drink to drink.

People mostly orders beer at Club 15, but when you take a seat on that tiny counter, you can feel nostalgic about the glamour that once reunited Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Miller or Ernest Hemingway

Lulu and don Chuy know each other but they have never worked together , the place is too small for that.

Don Chuy have worked at Club 15 for 23 years; he's the living representation of this place, all of his phrases are sayings and he speaks a lot with customers, giving advices to broken hearts

¨To me, the key to a happy marriage is that I always accept what my wife has to say, even if she's wrong. Women need motivation¨ he says.

¨Look, marriage is as simple as if you take a pigeon in your hands: if you squeeze it you´ll hurt it but if you hold her too softly she´ll fly away; that´s marriage¨ he ends.

Ciudad Juárez recupera sus noches que la hicieron mítica de los dos lados de la frontera, Lulu y Don Chuy , son los guardianes de unos de los refugios de la época de oro que aún subsisten en Ciudad Juárez.

In the hands of Lulu and don Chuy, Ciudad Juarez recalls one of the most important shelters of the Golden Times.


Hotel Riviera