The Memory Recipe Book
A gastronomic photographic and social project
A collaborative project with Las Rastreadoras del Fuerte in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico. The Memory Recipe Book is, as its name reveals, a recipe book, that is conformed by several dishes that were shared by Las Rastreadoras de Fuerte, a group of women who have been looking for their missing relatives in Los Mochis, Sinaloa since 2014 and until now. Each recipe corresponds to the favourite dish of a missing person.
Several experts on enforced disappearance in Mexico have collaborated with texts for the book, such as the journalist Daniela Rea and María de Vecchi Gerli (ARTICLE 19), both of them are human rights activists.
50% of the book's profits are destined to Las Rastreadoras del Fuerte as a collaboration to their cause. The Memory Recipe Book is a homage to the missing ones but also for us, who are still fighting against oblivion. Is a book to learn new recipes and to transform that which we understand as an individual matter into a collective matter; it's a book to nurture our memory, to accompany our own resistance ways.
Mora about this project here: